English Language Arts

Increase teachers’ depth of understanding of the reading, writing, and language standards to support rigorous instruction within the context of your curriculum.
K-12 English Workshops

Beyond the Essentials of Writer’s Workshop

Early Childhood and Elementary English Workshops

Establishing Early Childhood Literacy

Secondary English Workshops

Writing in the Content Areas

K-12 English Workshops

Writer’s Workshop: A Guide for Successful Implementation

Early Childhood and Elementary English Workshops

The Collaborative Classroom: Building Analytical Thinkers in Elementary Reading

Secondary English Workshops

Strategic Reading Across the Curriculum

Early Childhood and Elementary English Workshops

Reading Foundation Skills

K-12 English Workshops

Reading and Writing Informational Text

K-12 English Workshops

Reader’s Workshop Part 3: Best Practices for Instruction

K-12 English Workshops

Reader’s Workshop Part 2: Analyzing and Using Data to Support Students

K-12 English Workshops

Reader’s Workshop: A Model of Effective Reading Instruction

K-12 English Workshops

Pairing Texts to Enhance Instruction

Early Childhood and Elementary English Workshops

Literacy Centers and Work Stations

K-12 English Workshops

Implementing the Workshop Model

Early Childhood and Elementary English Workshops

Essential Reading Instruction