Preparing for PARCC/NJSLA Part III – Using Writing Rubrics continued

Preparing for PARCC/NJSLA Part III – Using Writing Rubrics continued

Jaclyn Siano

Using PARCC Writing Rubrics to Inform Instruction:

Creating a Corrective Instruction Plan

This post is part of our blog series on PARCC. In this series, we offer tips and strategies you can use to ensure that your students perform at their very best on the PARCC tests.

PARCC/NJSLA posted their writing rubrics for the Prose-Constructed Response (PCR).

In the first post, we discussed how instructors can score their students’ essays by creating item-specific guides. And we stressed that the only reason we assess students is to identify their strengths and needs, which in turn enables us to provide corrective instruction. In this post, we’ll show you how to analyze students’ needs and create a corrective instruction plan to address these needs.

Analyzing Student Results

  • Use the Analyzing Student Essays form and identify your students’ needs.
  • Based upon your analysis, what is your class’s greatest need in relationship to constructing an on-demand LAT or RST?
  • Which students performed exceptionally well? What was special about their essays?
  • Which students displayed the greatest needs? What are their needs and how will you provide corrective instruction?

Consider Your Classes’ Needs

  • What did you discover when you reviewed your classes’ essays?  Below are some common needs:
  • Students answered the prompt, but wrote an open-ended question response instead of an essay.
  • Students did not write an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.
  • Students’ essays lacked structure and organization.
  • Students did not respond to all parts of the PCR prompt.
  • Students provided evidence but did not link it to the reasons, topic sentences, and/or major claim.
  • Students did not finish in time.

Create a Corrective Instruction Plan

Use the Corrective Instruction Plan in this section. Based upon your findings, what activities will you implement to address each class’s greatest needs?  Moreover, what is your plan for providing assistance to individual students? Here are some suggested activities:

  • Deconstructing Essays
  • Honing Understanding of Evidence
  • Creating Advanced Arguments
  • Creating Rubrics
  • Selecting Literature
  • Constructing PCRs

In this two-part blog, Using Writing Rubrics, we learned:

  • How to create item-specific guides
  • How to score our students’ LAT and RST essays
  • How to analyze our students’ results
  • How to provide corrective instruction to address student needs

Inspired Instruction offers hundreds of PARCC/NJSLA lesson plans, online PARCC/NJSLA-like assessments with technology-enhanced items, PARCC/NJSLA workshops, and PARCC/NJSLA demonstration lessons.

Please contact Michele Regan for more information: or call 908-223-7202.

Inspired Instruction and Standards Solution Holding, LLC are not owned by or affiliated in any fashion with PARCC, Inc.

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